plain to see how frequently a gay gets arrested by some tough leather-jacketed cop only to be released later by a kindly judge.

We are their natural object of contempt. How faithfully we mirror in lavender light that which pervades their minds. But they cannot stand the x-ray treatment and pink before the mirror. They flee and destroy their other-their true selves. We, the mirrors, must be smashed! And yet when ground to dust we will always be there still, for we are in all men.

gay organizations in hopes of catching something good and bad. But above all they are squeezing into cracks and crannies to subvert the military and police. As one cop put it, "We're out to pick every Pansy in the U.S.'

We must organize and fight for every basic human right. No fewer than 13 of 30 articles in the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights are violated with regards to us. Can we expect rights to fall from Heaven, from their dear sweet heaven? There is no hope that we can expect progressive legislation unless we first act. Thus far, homophile organizations have paid scant attention to these alarming bolts of lightning from the right, although these fright peddlers did nothing to conceal their feelings during the recent national election. While the danger grows, the gay flirt and fritter away their time on lavender clouds blissfully innocent (or pretending to be) of the truth.

Straightlove slices the world into two sexes, each with a carefully prescribed role. He sneers at us and asks, "Where is the man?" Backed by selfcreated political, legal, and moral sanctions he gyrates into compulsive frenzies of destruction. I have read American Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell's "final solution" for us, and I don't like it. Any homosexual who could possibly support his program for our annhilation must be crazy. As far as the law is concerned, we have neither legal existence nor protection. pathogen and given the diagnosis, what Can one expect our tormentors to flagellate themselves?

The enemy is now organizing against us. I was recently in one of the larger organizations which acts as a spawning ground and collection pot for the hate complex. They organized a "keep our boys straight" committee to contact other hate groups and intiate a full-scale queer program (and use "queer," that offensive word, in he broadest sense to include all who deviate from their narrow line).

Given the least opportunity these dears are hot to cram everybody who doesn't fit just right into the fright pot. They scream, "Queer!" at those who come to our aid. Campus dicks are ordered to proliferate vicious rumors about suspect professors (and all are suspect). The squeeze is being put on fruit stands, fruit stands, especially on yellow fruit. And they even hope to sneak a few of their freaks into

Now that we have isolated the

is the cure? First we must form a committee to activate the liberals to our plight. There are a number of organizations which especially concentrate on human rights, and these have been far more dedicated to the elimination of hate and preservation of personal freedom than have we. A homophile publication commented recently on students who paraded in front of the United Nations with signs. proclaiming: "Sex is Good" and "Sex is a Fundamental Human Right." A germ of resistance is developing and cracks are appearing in the wall, but around these cracks there is some very nasty handwriting. Unless we clearly see this writing and its desperate attempt to seal up the cracks we have made, we may find the wall closed tight again. There has never been a homosexual revolt in history, but does that say there never can be one?